On Monday, Mar 17, 2003, at 00:45 Europe/Amsterdam, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:
I've been using Simon's installer script successfully of late to install betas, but just ran into the following error (see below). Any ideas or suggestions?
The command I used was:
sudo perl install_context.pl --textree /Users/darcusb/Library/texmf /Applications/Installers/ConTeXt/cont-tmf.zip
I do note that the pdfetex.pool it says it can't open is in this directory:
It is pdfetex that fails because it cannot find the pool file. Whatever install_context.pl does, it seems to override PATH (another pdfetex on your system is found, not likely) or KPSE settings from /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf in such a way that TeX stops working. Probably it tries to do some guessing itself instead of relying on existing settings. What might influence this is that my setup separates the texmf part that is related to binaries (like pool files that change when binary versions change) and the stuff that is the fondation (like ConTeXt, LATeX, etc). /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf starts with:
% Our directory setup as explained in $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/README.gwtex % TEXMFMAIN contains the TEXMF tree installed by make install of the programs TEXMFMAIN = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf % TEXMFTE contains the main TEXMF tree from teTeX TEXMFTE = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.tetex % TEXMFGW contains GW specific defaults and additions TEXMFGW = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.gwtex % TEXMFLOCAL contains any local system TeXadmin overrides TEXMFLOCAL = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.local % $VARTEXMF is where texconfig writes its local settings VARTEXMF = $TEXMFLOCAL % User texmf trees can be catered for like this... HOMETEXMF = $HOME/Library/texmf
% Our complete search path, the last three are searched through % ls-R exclusively, which means that you have to run texhash % after you have added, moved or deleted files in the tree TEXMF={$HOMETEXMF,!!$TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFGW,!!$TEXMFTE,!!$TEXMFMAIN}
In this case, there is a valid TeX setup, though uncommon because the separation of texmf into texmf and texmf.tetex. I need this separation to be able to update programs and foundation separately. A new foundation (texmf.tetex + texmf.gwtex) does not touch anything related to the binaries (like pool files) in texmf. If you send me the script I can have a quick look at it. G Here is what which and kpsewhich should tell you in a standard setup % which pdfetex /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/pdfetex % kpsewhich pdfetex.pool /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/pdfetex.pool % kpsewhich cont-en.tex /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/context/base/cont-en.tex