Tuesday, February 17, 2004 David Munger wrote:
The following outputs a nice bold displayed omega (the first one), and a thin normal inline one (the second one):
\usemodule [nath] \setupbodyfont [12pt] \definebodyfont [12pt] [mm] [mibf=cmmib10 sa 1] \starttext \[\bfmath \omega\] $\bfmath \omega$ \stoptext
Note that replacing nath with amsl in \usemodule[nath] results in two bold omegas, so the problem has to be in t-nath.tex.
Btw, this nath module is very useful to me. If I'd be able to do some debugging into it, I sure would. Could you please point me to some ConTeXt hacking references?
Ok, I'll keep this too for my todo on my next recheck of nath (I really have too many things in my hands these days ...) Anyway, ConTeXt hacking will only partially help you, since nath contains a lot of LaTeX-imported code. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta