I was having fun with this as well while Hans was writing his generic solution. Here is an explicit ‘indent each 2nd and 3rd line’: %%%%%%%% \unprotect \installindentingmethod {three} {\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusthree} \unexpanded\def\spac_indentation_tri_toggle_indeed {\glet\checkindentation\spac_indentation_tri_toggle} \unexpanded\def\spac_indentation_tri_toggle {\gdef\checkindentation {\spac_indentation_remove \gdef\checkindentation{\spac_indentation_tri_toggle_indeed}}} % this next macro is redefinition of a core macro ! \def\spac_indentation_check_toggle {\ifcase\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state % nothing \or \spac_indentation_no_toggle \or \spac_indentation_do_toggle \or \spac_indentation_tri_toggle \fi} \protect %%%%%%%%%% to be used with: \setuplines[indenting=three] Best wishes, Taco
On 2 Jul 2020, at 15:01, Tommaso Gordini
wrote: \starttext
\setupindenting[yes,1em] \setuplines[indenting=even]
\startlines Per correr miglior acque alza le vele omai la navicella del mio ingegno, che lascia dietro a sé mar sì crudele; e canterò di quel secondo regno dove l'umano spirito si purga e di salire al ciel diventa degno. \stoplines
Taco Hoekwater Elvenkind BV