8 May
8 May
7:39 a.m.
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I am forwarding the announcement from texhax list. The tool looks interesting, though I have not checked if it can be used easily with Taco's bib module or not.
I had a quick look at the docs and source of this tool. It does not seem to use bst files at all, so it can not be used as a drop-in for bibtex for use with the bib module. I do not 'do' python myself, so someone else will have to convert the cont-XX.bst to something crosstex does understand (python code, I guess?). Frankly, I am not overly enthused. It seem to solve none of the multi-lingual issues bibtex has. Still, improving the data description language is useful, I assume. It is definately more configurable, if you know python. Best wishes, Taco