On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 11:05:21AM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
The Thanh Han wrote:
What is the current status of context support for czech?
Hello, Hyphenation patterns work OK for Czech. Settings for Czech seem to be reasonable (I'd only redefine subsentence setting and mainly date), generated words (Chapter, ...) work fine, at least it is easy to redefine them to one's personal taste :-) System messages and names of macros are available in Czech (although I cannot imagine anyone who would use them; things like "nastavramovani" for setupframed seem really perverted to me:-). Index sorting is missing in the distribution; in any case, Czech sorting rules are really ugly and need incorporation of Cz::Sort into texutil. I don't keep an eye on ConTeXt development very carefully so I might be out-of-sync, nevertheless it'd be nice to have a sorting module pluggable into texutil (just a suggestion). The Czech support is based on master thesis of Tomas Hudec. After finishing his study, he disappeared and I have no knowledge about him. Fortunately, I have the complete sources of his work, so the missing parts could be filled. I've prepared a Bc. thesis assignment saying in fact "take Tomas' thesis and make it really work" but I haven't manage anybody to do that :-( Currently, I'm pretty busy (and use ConTeXt to write in English), so if a Czech speaking ConTeXt user wants to have a look at it, I can send him/her the archive. Regards, D.A. -- I either want less decadence or more chance to participate in it.