Hi Hans, Everybody,
Am 15.05.2013 um 09:36 schrieb "Keith J. Schultz"
Hi Hans,
Am 14.05.2013 um 19:57 schrieb Hans Hagen
: [snip, snip]
some kind of initialization issue .. i uploaded a fix (crossed fingers)
Well, the fix work in a way , yet it has introduced a new problem, or revealed an unnoticed one.
The text is now display in the shape, yet there is no drawing preformed! The draw of the path is no preformed. It is even worst. Metapost seems to be doing no drawing at all, even in over overlays! The all are related to a similar error : metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled' metapost > output file 'mpout.log', mode 'w', ftype 'log' metapost > output file 'test2-mpgraph.mpd', mode 'w', ftype 0 metapost > output file 'test2-mpgraph.mpd', mode 'w', ftype 0 metapost > error: (/Users/quayjay/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-text.mpiv)
PageFraction false ! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=boolean). <to be read again> : <*> ...0pt; VSize:=597.51323pt; PageFraction:=0>1: (1-1)/(0-1)else:1fi; defau...
I believe the source of this is in meta-ini.mkiv: \startMPinitializations PageFraction:=\lastpage>1:(\realfolio-1)/(\lastpage-1)else:1fi; \stopMPinitializations Should this not be: \startMPinitializations PageFraction:=if \lastpage>1:(\realfolio-1)/(\lastpage-1)else:1fi; \stopMPinitializations O.K. just rebuilt formats! Works. Attaching new meta-ini.mkiv Thanx! reagrds Keith.