Jeong Dal schrieb am 01.01.19 um 01:33:
Dear all,
First, Happy new year!
I tried to make a style of title as following. The first code creates the title as I wanted, but the second which uses “\title” creates the title strange. they are almost same code. To include it in the list of contents, I use “\title”.
\setuphead [title] [incrementnumber=list]
Is there a way to make output as the first one and include it in the list of contents?
You have to apply your command to the deeptextcommand key. %%%% begin example % \definefontfamily [mainface] [ss] [Noto Sans CJK KR] % % \setupbodyfont [mainface] % % \definefont [BigFontOne] [SansBold sa 4] \definefontfamily [notosanscjkkr] [ss] [Noto Sans CJK KR] %\definefont [BigFontOne] [file:notosanscjkkrbold*default sa 4] \definefont [BigFontOne] [\classfont{notosanscjkkr}{Bold} sa 4] \setupbodyfont [pagella] \definecolor [BigColorOne] [r=.86,g=.850,b=.54] \define[1]\TitlePage {\rlap{\offset[x=2pt,y=2pt]{\color[blue]{\effect[outer]{#1}}}}% \effect[inner]{#1}} \setuphead [title] [deeptextcommand=\TitlePage, color=BigColorOne, style=BigFontOne, incrementnumber=list] \starttext \title{Contents} \placelist[chapter,title] \title{Title} \title{타이틀} \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang