Dear Otared, Am Freitag, den 04.02.2011, 20:45 +0100 schrieb Otared Kavian:
I think one should use \overline instead of \overbar in your example. For me the following works fine with mkiv: \starttext \startformula \overline{q} = \frac{\overline{q}}{\overline{α_0}} \stopformula In text $\overline{q} = \frac{\overline{q}}{\overline{α_0}}$. \startformula \overline{q_0} = \frac{\overline{q}}{\overline α} \stopformula \stoptext (one gets as expected the « conjugate » of α_0, for instance).
thank you for your answer. `\overline` works as you say, but it looks typographically different in the respect that the bar is closer to the letter, which of course solves the issue for the inline fraction. For α this looks quite strange in my eyes. But I do not know a lot about typography. Please find the PDF-output attached with the following ConTeXt version. MTXrun | current version: 2011.02.04 10:01 Thanks, Paul