Thanks for the quick reply. On Sat, Apr 13, 2024 at 09:18 (+0200), Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4/13/2024 12:39 AM, Jim wrote:
I have both TeXlive 2024 and the stand-alone ConTeXt distribution on my system.
Recently, the stand-alone ConTeXt distribution seems to not create a synctex file any more. Specifically,
/usr/local/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/context --once --texutil --synctex=1 --nonstop file.tex
does not create a .synctex file (and deletes it, if it is there), whereas the TeXlive version
/usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux/context --once --texutil --synctex=1 --nonstop nwg_newsletter_2024_04.tex
does create the .synctex file.
The ConTeXt distribution version *does* create the file if --nonstop is *not* used. Knowing that, I can work around this for now, although emacs+auctex probably won't be happy without --nonstop.
I updated the stand-alone ConTeXt a few minutes ago, so I'm up to date on that.
Is this a bug introduced by some recent change?
it's more a feature
I guess one person's bug is another person's feature. :-)
- Mikael S and i spend some time with editor/viewer combinations on linux in order to find ways around the different synctex libs that they use
- as a result we could make most work ok
Are these recent changes? And should emacs+auctex+PDFview work now?
- we assume that synctex is set up in the document with
\setupsynctex[state=start] \setupsynctex[state=repeat] % less efficient but gets around issue
I haven't been using either of those, since auctex does The Right Thing for me. Or, at least, it used to.
- when context is run 'headless' (on a server) it's often done in batchmode because one knows that the style works and in that case synctex makes no sense so we disable it; this avoids the need to patch the style
I (think I) see what you are saying, but if one explicitly uses --synctex on the command line, should that not over-ride the over-ride? Or, put another way, would the following not make sense: if --synctex is used on the command line create synctex file else if --nonstop is used on the command line do not create the synctex file else if \setupsynctex[...] is used in the source file create the synctex file else do not create the synctex file
- the manual has been updates
Ummm... I hunted around for a while, but I did not find out which manual was updated. The synctex wiki page has not been updated, nor has the "workflow support in context" manual. Can you tell me which manual I should go look at?
- running context in nonstop mode makes little sense
Guessing wildly, I assume the auctex author(s) didn't want processes sitting there waiting for input on errors, like plain TeX would normally do. But perhaps the addition of --nonstopmode for ConTeXt is incorrect and/or redundant in April of 2024.
(maybe, as power user, Mikael remembers more details)
Mikael? Any thoughts to share? Cheers. Jim