On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 11:26, Patrick Gundlach
I have mentioned it at the last context conference: I am looking for a person (or a group) to take over the server contextgarden.net. Not only the wiki or the modules section or ..., but the complete server.
I have started everything more then seven years ago and we (= you) have all made it possible that contextgarden.net is now used by more then 500 unique visitors each day (the wiki alone). The average time a user spends on the wiki is three and a half minute (according to the stats, but this is inaccurate, of course), I think that is pretty good!
But as usual in a setting like this, I have shifted my focus. This does not mean I like ConTeXt less then several years ago! By no means! But I am too busy with my new job and my family so there is pretty much no server maintenance (except for a reboot once in a while).
I really hope that someone steps in and I can hand over all the files/databases and the domain name before the next conference.
Not that some parts are already maintained by other people: most prominently the minimals are done by Mojca with help of Arthur (I hope I've got it right).
Why not move all to Sourceforge.net ? Just my two cent