Hi Aditya, thank you for your help! On 2008-07-20 Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, Ulrich Dirr wrote:
I'm recently testing mkiv/luatex (ConTeXt ver: 2008.07.18 18:38 MKIV fmt: 2008.7.19 installed; compiling with 'context file') for a new project. I don't know if my questions depend on mkii or mkiv specifics.
I have some problems figuring out what kind of parameters I can use to setup footnotes in a multicolumn layout (is it better to use column sets and define areas?).
When I'm using location=lastcolumn then footnotes get placed in the last column *inside* the text column while when using firstcolumn as an option they will be placed below the first column but outside the text column at the end of the page. And both columns don't get balanced.
How can I get two text columns balanced and footnotes place on the last column at the end of the page? [...] I do not know whether this is possible with columnsets.
I will test this with columnsets.
How can I get footnote numbers aligned with the left margin of the text/column block (margindistance=0em doesn't help)? Footnotes should run as a 'normal' paragraph (no hanging).
Ah, interesting. I didn't find this option for location in the docs.
I'm also quiet lost what options I can set with \setupfootnotes, because they are not explained in the manual (ma-cb-en-print.pdf, p. 46; cont-eni.pdf, p. 101) ...
Yes, at places the documentation is lagging behind. I can write about footnotes in the TUGBoat column about ConTeXt.
When the manual is inadequate, I look at the sources. Once you figure out how to scan them for information, they are easy to understand. In this case, core-not.tex says that the options of \setupfootnotes are
[\c!location=\v!page, \c!way=\v!by\v!part, \c!sectionnumber=\v!no, \c!conversion=, \c!rule=\v!on, \c!before=\blank, \c!bodyfont=\v!small, \c!style=, \c!color=, \c!after=, \c!rulecolor=, \c!rulethickness=\linewidth, \c!frame=\v!off, \c!margindistance=.5em, \c!columndistance=1em, \c!distance=.125em, \c!align=\v!normal, \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant, \c!split=\v!tolerant, %\c!width=\makeupwidth, %\c!width=\ifdim\hsize<\makeupwidth\hsize\else\makeupwidth\fi, \c!width=\defaultnotewidth, \c!height=\textheight, \c!numbercommand=\high, \c!command=\noteparameter\c!numbercommand, % downward compatible \c!separator=\@@koseparator, \c!textcommand=\high, \c!textstyle=\tx, \c!textcolor=, \c!interaction=\v!yes, \c!factor=, \c!scope=, % \v!text \v!page \c!n=1]%
O.k. I could look in the source too, but where did you read 'location=normal'? Also I don't know what other option are allowed, e.g., in \numbercommand or \split. Only the default values are here as I understand. Anyway. How can I get that footnotes just flows as a standard paragraph (no hanging indentation)? Best regards, Ulrich