Hello Pablo. Here is example of add days in Lua: \startluacode x=5 -- add five days tex.print ('Actual date is :'..os.date('%d.%m.%Y')..'\\crlf') tex.print ( 'And x days added date is :'.. os.date('%d.%m.%Y',os.time()+ x * 24 * 3600)) \stopluacode Jaroslav Hajtmar Dne 9.11.2014 22:49, Pablo Rodriguez napsal(a):
On 11/09/2014 03:59 PM, Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hello Pablo. The module I created about before 4 years ago, when I wanted to learn to program in Lua. Therefore, I think that my module is too rudimentary and not quite optimized. Unfortunately, since I do not now use much Lua, so I dare not reasonably somehow finish. Before inclusion in third party modules that would probably have to take some experienced Lua expert and redo the whole module. For my needs it is enough. I use this module very often for my practise (I am teacher). Perhaps it helped a little. Greetings Jaroslav Hajtmar Many thanks for the module, Jaroslav.
BTW, wouldn’t you know how can I set a \date using Lua that adds x working days to the current date?
Many thanks for your help,