On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:27, Meer, H. van der wrote:
I am fairly sure the Lucida font has oldstyle numbers. But I don't get them with the \os macro. Here two minimal examples. The one with lmodern does the oldstyle numbers, the one with lucida not. I would be obliged for a solution.
Currently Lucida in MKIV is a virtual fonts that is composed out of existing pieces from 256-character Type1 fonts. Your code works in MKII, but in MKIV one would need a tiny bit of trickery to enable an additional OpenType feature in a virtual font. I know what is wrong, but I have no idea how to fix it. I assume that one has to create fonts/fea/context/lucida.fea and implement the old stlyle numberal font feature there + make sure that glyphs from the right pfb files are added to the virual font, to some slots in private area. Including proper renaming. (The only alternative is to wait for OpenType variant of Lucida.) Mojca