Dear ConTeXt users, TeX Live 2012 is going to be released soon. After the first successful year of ConTeXt in TeX Live, it would be great to get enough testers before the release (to make sure that it works flawlessly) and to get rid of as many bugs as possible. See http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html for links and instructions. You could try wget http://ctan.ijs.si/mirror/tlpretest/install-tl-unx.tar.gz tar xvzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd install-tl-<every-day-a-different-name> ./install-tl -gui -repository http://ctan.ijs.si/mirror/tlpretest and install a ConTeXt scheme for example. (Alternatively you can first fetch all the packages to local disk.) Then just add the binary path to your PATH and feel free to play. Mac users can also try MacTeX 2012 from tlpretest (with some extra care), but you first need to update to get the latest ConTeXt. Mojca (The version of ConTeXt is the same as latest beta, so any bugs fixed in beta can just as well proliferate to TeX Live.)