13 Jan
13 Jan
12:38 p.m.
On 13 jan 2010, at 12:32, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 13.01.2010 um 12:26 schrieb Hans van der Meer:
\DataDirectory{/Users/hans/Movies/Inlays/Muziek/MadisonSquare Garden} % defs \DATADIRECTORY \setupexternalfigures[directory={"\DATADIRECTORY"}]
Why don't you save the pictures in a subdirectory of your document.
Because I want to keep all files (aif, description, notes, cd-cover, pictures) pertaining to a certain piece together in one directory. I did grep for the definition of \setupexternalfigures but could not find it in the sources. Where is it? Perhaps I can spot the difficulty there. Or, it might be in the use that /externalfigure makes of it. Please point to the definitions of both, that I can have a look. Hans van der Meer