FAILING: https://github.com/melmothx/context-unofficial-test-suite/blob/master/src/mk... and https://github.com/melmothx/context-unofficial-test-suite/blob/master/src/mk... Also, it appears that \linenote was not present in TL12, so I don't have a reference for all the testlinenotes files. I'd be glad if someone more introduced to this feature let me know if the output with the latest beta is fine. ! Missing number, treated as zero. system > tex > error on line 9 in file testlinenotes-007.tex: Missing number, treated as zero ... 1 \starttext 2 3 \setuppapersize[S6][S6] 4 \setuplayout[width=middle,height=middle,margin=1.5cm,footer=0pt,header=1cm] 5 6 \setupcolors[state=start] \setuptyping[option=color] 7 8 \definelinenote[extralinenote][rule=off,frame=on,framecolor=darkgreen] 9 >> \setuplinenote [linenote] [rule=off,frame=on,framecolor=darkred,n=2] 10 11 \showframe 12 13 \title{Bidi} 14 15 \subject{Issues:} 16 17 \startitemize 18 \item Line-numeral ranges need to be configurable: 1--4 and 4--1. It should 19 not be harwired, since eg, Persian, may prefer to keep an LR-style range. <to be read again> \relax \dorecurse #1->\ifcase #1\relax \expandafter \gobbletwoarguments \or \expand... <inserted text> ...c!levels }\dorecurse \p_levels {\strc_define_commands_not... \define_notation ...\fi \the \everydefinenotation \let \currentnotation \sav... <inserted text> ...noteparent ][\c!type =\v!note ] \fi \ctxcommand {definenot... \define_note ...te }\fi \fi \the \everydefinenote \let \currentnote \saved_d... ... l.9 \setuplinenote [linenote] [rule=off,frame=on,framecolor=darkred,n=2] ? X -- Marco