Hi, I just gave automigrateinserts a try in a current version (09.15): The footnotes used in a table are printed, but with the wrong numbers ... due to the fact that the table is a float, probably. Please have a look a this screenshot: http://werksatz.com/attachments/footnotes.pdf The tables anchor is on the left side after the paragraph mentioning "Tabelle 27", by using \placetable{...caption...}{\bTABLE...\eTABLE} Before is footnote 68, below is footnote 74! But, for the table is placed on the next page, their footnotes 69-73 are also placed on the right page ... AFTER footnote 74!! Is there something that can be done about this? I.e. the footnote 74 gets number 69, and the table's notes on the right page get number 70-74?! Thanks, Steffen