Hello again, I'm having another issue: I'd like Chapter/Section number and titles in separate lines but with grid alignement. I followed that advice: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Titles#Chapter_number_and_titles_in_separate_... I'm having an issue though: I can't get rid of the space above the (framed) title and align the section number with the first line (it's on the second line) Any idea? Many thanks. ### \showframe \showlayout \showgrid \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \define[2]\MySection{\framed[ location=keep, frame=on, width=broad, % height=22pt, align=middle ]{{#1.\\#2}}} \setuphead[section][ strut=no, conversion=Romannumerals, style={\bf\WORDS}, align=middle, command=\MySection, ] \starttext \startsection[title={First section}] this is the text \stopsection \stoptext ###