Thursday, May 20, 2004 David Munger wrote:
Hello Giuseppe,
I'm having a little trouble with the cases in amsl.
Compiling this:
\[ f(x) = \startcases 0 & \text{if $x < -\epsilon$} \\ \frac12 & \text{if $x > \epsilon$} \stopcases \]
results in an error around the \frac.
Hello David, sorry for the delay. The problem is caused by \frac being defined in the newmat module as %D Better: \def\frac#1#2{\mathematics{\genfrac{}{}{}\donothing{#1}{#2}}} If you comment that line, it will compile flawlessly. Hans, why would you want to allow \frac in text mode?
Changing it to \dfrac makes the input compile ok, but typesets the cases in an ugly manner with really narrow spacing.
Is there some way of telling startcases/stopcases to behave in display mode?
Yup, I just changed a couple of things and now we have a \startbigcases ... \stopbigcases for this. Will upload new version soon. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta