Otared Kavian wrote :
Hi David, Hi all Contexters,
Sorry for being late in answering.
I just tried to test your code but did not succeed in showing things step by step, even after adding: \def\Subject#1{\centerline{\bf #1}} \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setupcolors[state=start] and changing the commands \[ and \] (which are probably from a LaTeX background) into \startformula and \stopformula.
What I get doesn't show any step, but only one or two pages with several "Slide Title", and the items you had in your example, on it, and one or two pages with "Navier-Stokes equation".
Am I missing something? Could you please send me (if necessary off List) a source file of yours which is completely working?
Best regards: OK
Oh sorry for not being clear about it. I was assuming that some presentation module would be imported, for instance: \usemodule[pre-original] So probably there lacks a \page command in your \Subject definition. About the \[ and \]: you're right. I was using the amsl module from Giuseppe Bilotta. Thanks for your remarks. :-) So, assuming that the steps code is in a file name t-rsteps.tex, the complete example would be: ---------------------------------------------------------- \usemodule [pre-original] \usemodule [rsteps] \starttext \StartSteps[Slide Title] % the title is passed to % the \Subject macro \startitemize \item Item 1 \OnlyStep[2] {\item (oops!)} \UntilStep[4] {\item Item 2*} \FromStep[4] {\item Item 2} \stopitemize \StopSteps \StartSteps[Navier||Stokes equation] \startformula \frac{D\vec u}{Dt} = \FromStep[2][reserve]{-{\red \frac1\rho \vec\nabla p}} \FromStep[3][reserve]{+\;{\green \vec g}} \FromStep[4][reserve]{+\;{\blue \frac1\rho \vec\nabla\cdot S}} \stopformula Momentum transport: \NextStep \item {\red Pressure gradient} \par\NextStep \item {\green Gravity} \par\NextStep \item {\blue Stress (viscous, turbulent, Maxwell)} \StopSteps \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------