I am using OpenSCAD to create drawings with the filter module with the following MWE: \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter[openscad] [filtercommand={/context/openscad/openscad -o \externalfilteroutputfile}, output={\externalfilterbasefile.png}, cache=force, readcommand=\ReadImage] \define[1]\ReadImage{\externalfigure[#1]} \starttext \startopenscad square(4,2); \stopopenscad \stoptext This works fine. I now want to use the following options added to the command line: --view axes,edges,scales --viewall When I create an Openscad file test.scad, I can run it fine with the following command line at a CLI window: openscad.com test.scad -o test.png --view axes,edges,scales --viewall When I add this to the filtercommand as following [filtercommand={/context/openscad/openscad -o \externalfilteroutputfile --view axes,edges,scales --viewall} I cannot get it to run. Is there anything I am missing? Thanks Jeroen