Russell Urquhart
I had first started looking at Markdown, but then came to Asciidoc, as, imo, Asciidoc is a superset of Markdown. In my previous job, and some in my current job, there is a need to have tables that have cells that go across multiple rows and/or columns. Asciidoc supports this.
It seems that some thing are more clear now… I do not (atm) have need for complex tables. Moreover, I’ve learnt that atm. Asciidoc is not supported input format for creating presentations with Pandoc…
With that said, when i want or need to have a fine typeset type book/manual, something that might requrie extensive footnotes, indexes, specialized page layouts, auto cross references, etc. AND i could not get that from Asciidoc, then i would create my source in either Context, Docbook, or LaTex. (I haven't used LaTex very much myself, but i know people who swear by it.)
…which practically means that I can just use markdown for my ligth writing (web stuff, small online articles etc.) and use ConTeXt for everything else where quality is required. Of course, there is also possibility to just use markdown --> Pandoc --> reveal.js which can look as low-hanging fruit, but, based on my observation, everything around Javascript stuff is almost always hyped and short-lived, iow. today reveal.js is “in”, but that can quickly change tomorrow. Otoh, learning ConTeXt is going to be useful not only for presentations, but only for real book project which might arrive in the future… Sincerely, Gour -- One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls his mind and senses is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such a man is never entangled.