Answering myself: I ended up using
c\kern-7pt\hbox to 0pt{\textcaron\hss}\kern7pt
but it would be nice to add some options to allow fixing fonts on a
slightly more user-friendly level.
(Hans already started writing some hooks to adjust accent height, but
it would be nice to finish it, so that it could be applied to other
exotic fonts.)
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 21:25, Mojca Miklavec
I'm using a feature "compose=yes"
\definefontfeature [default] [liga=yes,kern=yes,tlig=yes,compose=yes]
in a handwritten font to get ccarons (font SnellRoundhandLTStd-Scr.otf). However the carons are placed way off to the right due to the nature of handwritten font.
Is there any simple, very-quick-and-dirty way to fix ConTeXt sources (I need it very soon), so that carons would be placed a bit more to the left? (I don't mind to do it just for this single document and then forget about it?)
Thanks a lot, Mojca