27 Jun
27 Jun
8:23 p.m.
Am 24.06.2013 um 16:36 schrieb Christian Prim
Hi list
I wonder if I can typeset a cloze text using context. The gaps (__________) must have a given length (say in cm or the length of a given word, given sentence) and must break at the end of a line.
\hl[4] is nice but won't do the trick since it won't break. \fillinline and others fill the hole line, but I only want to fill a given size.
Are there some ideas how to deal with it?
\def\TextGap[#1]% {\scratchdimen#1\relax \divide\scratchdimen\plusten \dorecurse\plusten {\vrule width \scratchdimen height \linewidth\relax \ifnum\recurselevel<10 \hskip\zeropoint\relax \fi}} \starttext a \TextGap[4cm] b \TextGap[4cm] c \TextGap[4cm] d \TextGap[4cm] e \stoptext Wolfgang