On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Thomas A. Schmitz
On Nov 28, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I don't if this will help you but you can try the following three changes.
1. Change the defintion of \sln
2. Put a \relax after the xml setup for \sln
\startxmlsetups xml:sln \sln\relax \stopxmlsetups
\startxmlsetups xml:sln \sln\space\ignorespaces \stopxmlsetups
3. define \SlideNumber as TeX counter
\def\resetSlideNumber {\global\SlideNumber\zerocount\relax}
\def\incrementSlideNumber {\global\advance\SlideNumber\plusone\relax}
\def\currentSlideNumber {\number\SlideNumber\relax}
\def\nextSlideNumber {\incrementSlideNumber \currentSlideNumber}
(4. Switch the system or TeX installation, helped on my former Windows installation with font problems)
Hi Wolfgang,
thanks for your suggestions! I tried solutions 1-3, but I still get the same result; the paragraph is skipped (hey, what about #3: are you leading me into temptation to use low-level code?!).
There is nothing wrong with low level code if you know what you do *and* counters are faster (but you won't notice the difference here :)
#4: I have tried both the minimals and a fully updated TeXLive on OS X; I will tomorrow check if the same thing happens on my linux installation. Unfortunately, the file is pretty long and contains some additional modules and fonts, or I'd send it to you to see if it compiles OK on your installation (though: could I imagine switching to Windows? No, I couldn't...)
You could send me your files. I switched from windows to Mac and most of my problems disappeared. Wolfgang