I have requirements similar to those of Stéphane Goujet to reproduce the typography of earlier times, and I tried to adapt the code presented in his note earlier today titled "Quotation blocs with repetition symbol in the left column." The result of this attempt is the discovery of two issues with linenumbering. I will present these in separate notes. This note involves an unfortunate interaction with startnarrower. The other problem involves bidi. Both issues occur with the current 20140328 beta. Placing one of the examples in Stéphane's message into a startnarrower environment results in a shift of the linenumbered section to the left margin. As an example, replace his final section with the following: \setupnarrower[left=2cm,right=2cm] \startnarrower[left,right] Now, a quote block starting just there, {\bf in the middle of a line} ({\bf space after colon is too big}):\startbloccitel\input tufte \input tufte \stopbloccitel . This a bit of text at the end of the quotation. It {\bf seems fine}. And let's call a {\bf footnote}\footnote{\startbloccitel\input tufte \input tufte \stopbloccitel}. Unfortunately {\bf no quote repetition symbol will appear in it}. \stopnarrower -- Rik Kabel -- Rik Kabel