In november last year Hans Hagen was so kind to send me a copy of back-u3d.mkiv which is now included in the latest beta. As Hans mentioned the code he gave me is untested. After a couple of tests here are my findings *) The preview does not work at this moment. I only see a light blue square which can be activated. After which the 3d viewer shows the embedded 3d image *) Specifying several views as shown in back-u3d.mkiv shows up in the resulting pdf as "unknown view" *) I also experimented with different values for coo, c2c, roll etc. When not specifying any of these settings the embedded 3d is always shown with the incorrect roll i.e the roll is always 90 degrees off For anyone interested, the 3d file was produced with Asymptote 1.91 ( http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/) =============== Context sample code ============================== \starttext \startluaparameterset [u3d:myset:display:1] toolbar=false, preview="prcu3d/loading.png", view = { name = 'default', bg = {1,1,1}, mag = 25, coo = {2,2,2}, c2c = {0,0,1}, rot = {40,0,60}, roo = 2, lights = 'CAD' } \stopluaparameterset \useexternalfigure [cubes] [prcu3d/cubes.prc] [width=\textwidth, height=0.5\textwidth, display=u3d:myset:display:1] \placefigure[here]{3d cube}{\externalfigure[cubes]} \stoptext ========================== end of Context sample code =======================================