Hans Hagen
no, it's just flushing previous ones; maybe the next solution will prevent a sleepless night:
Great! So we have two different setups now (well, there are 100s more) : % |left || textarea % |margin|| | | % | || | | %somelonghead*||We thrive in ... | | (#1) % | || | | % | || | | % | || | | % |*somehead nextsection | | (#2) % | || | | % | ||We thrive in ... | | * is the point of alignment. #1 is covered by \inleftmargin #1 #2 #2 is covered by MyHead which I've posted earlier. It would be nice to have some kind of "numberdistance", which goes between number and head (1____firstsection).
normally text will put the head in from of the text, so here we let the command lap it to the left; of course we need to nil the distance; so, actually it fits will into the normal configuration.
OK, I have tested *without* text in the section ...
so, if you cook up a nice keyword for this alternative,
alternative=a,b,c :) #1: marginright (= right aligned in margin) and #2: marginleft (since I am a bit confused by the naming of right- and leftalign in ConTeXt, this will be the other way round, I guess).
i will show you how easy it is added as alternative -)
Since I had a quick look in core-sec.tex I could guess how to add the keywords. The most difficult part would be the translation to dutch (margelinks?) Patrick