Hi everyone! This is my first post here. I've a limited (but sufficient) experience with LaTeX (I've written several work-related documents with it) and now I have to write my undergraduate thesis (the deadline is mid-january 2010). I've been fairy impressed by a book typesetted with ConTeXt, so I used it for some documents and liked the idea and the configurability. The possibility of having a unique and personalized look-and-feel for every document is very appealing to me, and I have already began to assemble a style for the thesis. However, I've a very limited experience with it and I wonder: is ConTeXt the right choice in my circumstances? Can it be used without a degree in typography? I can't write half thesis and then stumble on some obscure (to me) typesetting problem, things have to be smooth and I need to concentrate on content (but I still find desiderable a good unique look). When I have a problem I try my best to resolve it by myself, but given the limited time I can't learn and investigate everything, so if I'll write my thesis in ConTeXt in some (desperate) cases I'll need your help. What do you think? Thank you all! PS: I live in Italy, sorry for my probably imperfect english!