I downloaded the latest ConTeXt and tried regenerating the hyphenation patterns and formats (to get hyphenation with Thomas’ Greek module). The first step texmfstart ctxtools --pat was successful. But sudo texmfstart texexec --make --all (which worked with the last ConTeXt installation) and sudo -H texmfstart texexec --make --all failed with the error message sudo: texmfstart: command not found. Fortunately, sudo texexec --make --all still works, so life goes on. Still, why is this happening? Does it matter that I have the line alias texmfstart='ruby /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/scripts/ context/ruby/texmfstart.rb' in my .profile rather than an executable version of the texmfstart script in my $PATH? If it does, is there a way to set things so that texmfstart is automatically available to the administrator and user whenever a Terminal session is begun? Alan