On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Peter Münster <pmlists@free.fr> wrote:
On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Marcin Borkowski wrote:

> > > * Unlike when editing LaTeX files, it does not insert an \item when
> > >   doing C-c C-e itemize.  I use itemizations a lot and this is a bit
> > >   annoying, especially that I got used to its behaior when doing LaTeX.
> > >   Also, having C-c C-j asking about the (optional) label all the time is
> > >   also tiring, I would prefer to be asked for it only with C-u C-c C-j.
> >
> > This is also annoying to me. I'll try to solve this, should no be too
> > complicated I think (only problem I have, is no spare time, just like
> > you...).
> That would be great, also from the point of view of learning elisp...


Here some code that you can attach to your .emacs file (just a copy from
auctex with minor modifications):
Peter, can you put it into wiki ?
