Hello, I was perhaps little descriptive in my last question. Let me discribe my real problem: I'd like to typeset a table of content as follows: ---------------------- Part 1 Chapter 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section3 Section with longer name 4 Section 5 Section 6 Chapter 2 Section 1 Section 2 ... .... ----------------------- Everything has to be on the grid. Problem is that 'Part 1' and 'Chapter 1' are typeset with bigger font (\bfa and \tfa respectively). And grid is too tight to fit \bfa/\tfa struts. But the character size is optically OK even preserving grid due to blank lines around bigger font. I do not want to use \placetogrid in this case since AFAIK it adds one blank line more. Solution: not to add struts to list items and set \lineskiplimit=-\maxdimen. I discovered that there is alternative 'none' that does not place struts. The only problem is that 'none' create one long line like ----------------------- Section 1 Section 2 Section3 Section with longer name 4 Section 5 Section6 ----------------------- oversized \textwidth. So the question is: How to typeset list items to paragraph without struts? Minimal test code is bellow. Thank you for replay Vit Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Hello Hans, Taco, and the next gurus,
sorry for bother with another thing I can not understand. Very high glyphs like \v S disturb grid in the \placelist. The same glyph in the common paragraph with the same (intentionally) interline setting preserves grid:
--------------------------------------- \setupbodyfont[10pt,rm] \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt] \setuplayout[grid=yes,width=8cm] \showgrid
\writetolist[section]{}{See the next line:} \writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba} \writetolist[section]{}{Another list line}
\starttext \v Sejba\par Here grid is OK, but in \type{placelist}:
no! \stoptext ------------------------------------------ I was looking in definitions for some font-size dependent line setting, I also tried to \setuplist[section]{style=\baselineskip=12pt\lineskiplimit=-10pt} but without success to lounging on the grid.
this is the default ratio:
\setupinterlinespace [height=.72, depth=.28]
Thank you Hans; after some experimenting I understood: - height and depth in \setupinterlinespace are baseline-ratio/size of struts (add description to tex-show) - some my chars (/,\v S, \tfa, ...) oversized \strut size of any ratio - list items are typeset with struts (perhaps all alternative) - only alternative without strut is 'none' with command=\Mycommand def So I do know how to preserve grid. But I do not know HOW TO TYPESET \Mycommand TO FIT THE PARAGRAPH WIDTH. It seem it is not in the restricted horizontal mode and continue on one long line. And another question/request: can the list distance param (alternative d,...) be glue instead of skip? For better line fitting. example: ------------------ \setupbodyfont[10pt,rm] \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt,height=.77,depth=.23] \setuplayout[grid=yes,width=8cm] \showgrid \setuplist[section] [style=\tfd,alternative=none,command=\MyListItem] \def\MyListItem#1#2#3{{\tfb (#1-#2-#3) }} \starttext \writetolist[section]{}{See the next line} \writetolist[section]{}{\v Sejba} \writetolist[section]{}{Another list line} \writetolist[section]{}{And the last one} \lineskiplimit=-10pt Line\par Anothet line of \v Sejba\par \placelist[section] \strut %% should be! why? After list line. \stoptext ------------------ Vit -- ======================================================= Ing. Vít Zýka, Ph.D. TYPOkvítek database publishing databazove publikovani data maintaining and typesetting in typographic quality priprava dat a jejich sazba v typograficke kvalite tel.: (+420) 777 198 189 www: http://typokvitek.com =======================================================