Henning Hraban Ramm mailto:texml@fiee.net 30. März 2017 um 10:30 While I’m still waiting for answers to my other questions, I got some more:
In my layout, left margin width is zero, but \inmargin always uses left margin. I didn’t find a setup to change that – should \setupmargindata[location=right] do the trick? (it doesn’t, also not with left)
Further I’d like to place "foot"notes into the margin. It works like this:
\setupnote[footnote][location=none] \setupnotation[footnote][ align=flushleft, location=serried, width=broad, ] \setuptexttexts[margin][] [{\framed[% align=right, frame=off, height=\textheight, width=\rightmarginwidth ]{\placenotes[footnote]}}]
But I’d like the notes to start in the line of the marker, if there’s space. How can I achieve that? The only way I found to achieve this is by flushing the notes at the end of each footnote entry which can be done with the next key. The positioning of each margin text is tricky because \placenotes adds skips at the begin of the block (which can be reduced with \placelocalnotes) but a inline version of the command (e.g. \placeinlinenotes) which flushes the notes without vertical skips and a rule at the begin would help.
\define\PlaceFootnote {\inrightmargin{\vtop{\placelocalnotes[footnote][before=,after=]}}} \setupnote [footnote] [location=text, bodyfont=, next=\PlaceFootnote] \setupnotation [footnote] [alternative=serried] \setuplayout [width=12cm, rightmargindistance=0.5cm, rightmargin=5cm] \starttext \dorecurse{6}{\input ward\expanded{\footnote{This is a footnote \recurselevel}} } \stoptext Wolfgang