2010/5/13 Jan Pohanka wrote:
Dne Wed, 12 May 2010 20:36:38 +0200 Mojca Miklavec napsal(a):
2010/5/4 Jan Pohanka
: Minimal example is here and support files are attached. Original support can be downloaded here: http://modules.contextgarden.net/stormfontsupport
$$ 2 \times 2 $$ % error
Dear Jan,
About the first problem that you are reporting:
I don't understand what the "st" in t-math-sto.tex does. \definemathsymbol [times] [bin] [st] ["0E]
The line \let\stfam\mcfam \let\hexstfam\hexmcfam should map the st math family to the mc family, maybe this is not working anymore. I have tried \definefamilysynonym [default] [st] [mc] but with no succes.
(A note to Hans: the question was about MKII. One would need to rewrite the whole typescript for MKIV, sure, but the first step might be to fix the almost-working MKII.) OK, I see. Replacing with ma/mc doesn't really have any effect. I won't pretend that I understand the math typescripts in details, but at least the following works. I'm not sure how exactly the last two arguments of \definetypeface [Lido] [mm] [math] [lido] [...] [...] work, but maybe something really subtle has changed in the meantime that nobody has noticed. \useencoding[st1] \startmathcollection[storm] \definemathsymbol [times] [bin] [ma] ["0E] \stopmathcollection \starttypescript [math] [lido] [all] \definefontsynonym [Lido-Math-Letters] [sldr8t]% [encoding=st1] \definefontsynonym [Lido-Math-Letters-Italic] [sldri8t]% [encoding=st1] \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Symbols] [cmsy10] \definefontsynonym [ComputerModernMath-Extension] [cmex10] \definefontsynonym [Lido-Math-Storm] [sldr6s]% [encoding=st1] \usemathcollection[storm] \loadmapfile[slido.map] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [math] [lido] [name] \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [Lido-Math-Letters] \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [Lido-Math-Letters-Italic] \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [ComputerModernMath-Symbols] \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [ComputerModernMath-Extension] \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [Lido-Math-Storm] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [math] [lido] [name] \usemathcollection[storm] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [Lido] [st1] % \definetypeface [Lido] [rm] [serif] [lido] [default] [encoding=\typescripttwo] % \definetypeface [Lido] [mm] [math] [lido] [storm] % [encoding=\typescripttwo] \definetypeface [Lido] [mm] [math] [lido] [default] [encoding=default] % [encoding=\typescripttwo] \stoptypescript \usetypescript[Lido][st1] \setupbodyfont[Lido,12pt] \starttext $ a + b + c = d \times 2$ \stoptext Mojca