Hi Hans, I accidentally discovered that file attachment generates two entries in Acrobat, such as this sample: \setuppapersize[A5] \showframe \setupinteraction[state=start] \setupinteractionscreen[option=attachment] \starttext a\attachment[file=xml-mkiv.pdf, name={attached.pdf}] \stoptext This happens with latest beta (from 2019.12.17) in both MkIV and MkXL. https://www.pdfa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/PDF20_AN002-AF.pdf#search=us... warns about the use of both /EmbeddedFiles and /FileAttachment annotations. Acrobat seems to be the problematic software. I think it is fine to have /FileAttachment annotations for "method=normal" and /EmbeddedFiles for "method=hidden". Would be also possible that the entries in /Embeddedfiles use the value for "name" instead of "file" (when specified)? And for the /EmbeddedFile annotation, would it be possible to add the value for /Size entry (uncompressed size of the file in bytes, https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#page=...) in the /Params dictionary? This is the way to avoid that Acrobat displays no uncompressed size but real uncompressed size (I guess both values would be very similar, when not the same). Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk