I have just changed my TeX distribution from the old teTeX to the latest gwTeX. When typesetting a document that used to process properly, I now get the error message: [1.56] [2.57] [3.58] [4.59] [5.60] references : unknown reference [][fnt:t:1] references : unknown reference [][fnt:f:1] ! Font \nullfont has only 7 fontdimen parameters. <to be read again> \advance \dohighlow ...#2\textfont 2\else #3ex\fi \advance \scratchdimen #4ex \kern .... <argument> ...ednote \v!nextpage \v!previouspage } } \doifreferencefoundelse ...ferencefound #2\else #3 \fi \egroup \doresetgotowh... \gotobox ...2]} {\hbox {\unknownreference {#2}#1}} \referenceinfo {<} {#2}\egr... <argument> ...[\s!fnt :f:\internalfootreference ]} \fi \doifelse {\noteparame... ... l.74 \footnote{ xxxxxxxx} Any suggestions about what this means and how I might solve the problem will be very much appreciated. I note that the problem may concern Latin Modern: the same setup produces footnotes as expected when I use the gtmacfonts, for example. Alan