Hello! First, I want to thank you all. It's my first post here, but I've read many of your emails before, and I've already found a lot of solutions for my problems in there. I'm using Context intensely since several months (before, I was Latex) and at the moment, I'm setting my first big document (400 pages, very boring) with it. My issue: I have a little problem with headings I can't solve by my own. It's rather simple: I would like to align headings that span across multiple lines on the left margin, like this: a) This is (not really) a very, very, very loooooooooooooooong title and not that way: a) This is (not really) a very, very, very loooooooooooooooong title The use of (\setuphead[section][command=\MySectionCommand] disables the standard alignment mechanism. I wonder if there is a simpler way to achieve this. Any ideas? Thank you very much! Scheeni Grieß (it's Alsatian German) Paul _______________________________________________________________ SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! http://f.web.de/?mc=021192