On Feb 8, 2006, at 17:19, Hans Hagen wrote:
Hans van der Meer wrote:
The manual has not much more on movie inclusion therefore I searched through the source. In cont-new.tex I found things like % \useexternalrendering[example-5][video/quicktime] [p1000726.mov] and maybe that is what I was looking for. I adapted the movie name and tried to test with the example given in cont-new.tex (starting at line 1581) and --lo and behold-- now got a playing movie.
the rendering stuff is a bit too complex for what you want
how about
That's what I had and somehow could not get working again. I therefore did some experimenting and now I have something working: \setupinteraction[menu=on,state=start] \def\renderingmenu[#1]% {\hbox {\setupbuttons[width=16mm,height=12mm]% \button{\symbol[StartRendering]} [StartRendering{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[StopRendering]} [StopRendering{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[PauseRendering]} [PauseRendering{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[ResumeRendering]}[ResumeRendering{#1}]}} In the above I first thought "StartMovie" etc would work but "StartRendering" etc did the trick. As of the special purpose of StartMovie and friends I am still in the dark. \definerenderingwindow [movie] [width=1.33\makeupheight,height= \makeupheight,strut=no,offset=0pt,frame=off, background=color,backgroundcolor=BackgroundColor, closepageaction=StopCurrentRendering] I had to remove the openpageaction from the example in the context fle and then it stopped putting the movie on each and every page once it had been opened. Finally typesetting the movie with: \useexternalrendering[purple][video/quicktime][purpleshort.mov] \defineoverlay [theimage] [{\externalfigure[themovie][width=\overlaywidth,height= \overlayheight,type=jpg]}] starttext \hfill\framed[offset=0pt,strut=no,background={foreground,theimage}] {\placerenderingwindow[movie][themovie]}\hfill\null As you can seen I placed the movie in a framed. This because I wanted the still image showing over it (you mentioned a "preview=yes" I will later experiment with it. I guess it also will work here? The PROBLEM I encountered was that I thought to change the renderingwindow's background with a local call to \setuprenderingwindow[movie][parameters leading to the overlay as in framed] but to no avail. Maybe I did something wrong here? Could it be with the naming and/or the number of parameters in the setup? Anyway, the stuff seems to work. From your answer I guess a sort of manual is still far way. Pity. If you can spare some further hints, if necessary, I will be grateful as always. yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer