Hans et al, I am going to assume that all of this is saved as math-ext.tex. None of it goes anywhere else at the moment. Correct? Also, I assume that: \ifx\startalign\undefined \input math-ext.tex \fi still needs to go into cont-new.tex. Correct? On Jan 17, 2006, at 5:50 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Attached is a new version of math-ext
- multiple columns - alignment per column
See examples in source (mixed &|cr and NC|NR is no longer supported).
That's all the math for this week.
Hans %D \module %D [ file=math-ext, %D version=2006.01.14, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Math Macros, %D subtitle=Extra Macros, %D author={Hans Hagen \& Taco Hoekwater}, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=\PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details.
%D This will go into core-mat
%M \ifx\startalign\undefined \input math-ext.tex \fi
% some simple math constructs (based on user requests) % % preliminary
% adapted stuff
% we need to make this plain code a bit more 'readable'
\def\openup {\afterassignment\dopenup\scratchdimen=}
\def\dopenup {\advance\lineskip \scratchdimen \advance\baselineskip \scratchdimen \advance\lineskiplimit\scratchdimen}
\def\jot{.25\bodyfontsize} % plain tex: 3 pt (todo: better name)
\def\displ@y % \presetdisplayspacing or so {\global\dt@ptrue \openup\jot \mathsurround\zeropoint \everycr{\noalign{% \ifdt@p \global\dt@pfalse \ifdim\prevdepth>-\thousandpoint \vskip-\lineskiplimit \vskip\normallineskiplimit \fi \else \penalty\interdisplaylinepenalty \fi}}}
% context (hooks)
% plain tex value: \centering = 0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt % plain tex valye: \jot = 3pt
% n>1 #### needed, strange # interaction (maybe we need a toks in recurse ane no macro)
\def\buildeqalign {\scratchtoks\emptytoks \dorecurse{\mathalignparameter\c!m} {\ifnum\recurselevel>\plusone \appendtoks \tabskip\mathalignparameter\c!distance&\tabskip\zeropoint \to\scratchtoks \fi \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksa}}% \dorecurse{\numexpr\mathalignparameter\c!n-\plusone\relax} {\expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksb}}}}% \expanded{\scratchtoks{\the\scratchtoks\the\!!toksc}}}
\def\forgetalign {\tabskip\zeropoint\everycr\emptytoks}
\let\firstineqalign\empty \let\nextineqalign \empty \let\leftofeqalign \empty \let\rightofeqalign\empty
\def\mathineqalign#1{$\forgetalign\displaystyle{{}#1{}}$} \def\textineqalign#1{$\forgetalign#1$}
\def\eqalign#1% why no halign here, probably because of displaywidth {\!!toksa{\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$}% \!!toksb{&$\displaystyle{{}##{}}$\hfil}% \!!toksc\emptytoks \buildeqalign \null\,\vcenter {\openup\jot \mathsurround\zeropoint \expandafter \ialign \expandafter {\the\scratchtoks\crcr#1 \crcr}% }\,}
% preamble is scanned for tabskips so we need the span to prevent an error message
\def\prepareeqalignno {\!!toksa{\strut\firstineqalign\hfil\leftofeqalign\span \mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}% \!!toksb{&\nextineqalign\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##} \rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}% \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\centering&\llap{\span\textineqalign{##}} \tabskip\zeropoint}% \buildeqalign \presetdisplaymath \tabskip\centering}
\def\prepareleqalignno {\!!toksa{\strut\firstineqalign\hfil\leftofeqalign\span \mathineqalign{##}\rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}% \!!toksb{&\nextineqalign\leftofeqalign\span\mathineqalign{##} \rightofeqalign\tabskip\zeropoint}% \!!toksc{\hfil\tabskip\centering&\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{\span \textineqalign{##}}\tabskip\displaywidth}% \buildeqalign \presetdisplaymath \tabskip\centering}
\def\eqalignno#1% {\prepareeqalignno \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA {\the \scratchtoks\crcr#1\crcr}}
\def\leqalignno#1% {\prepareleqaligno \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA {\the \scratchtoks\crcr#1\crcr}}
\def\aligneqalignno {\prepareeqalignno \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA \bgroup \the\scratchtoks\crcr}
\def\alignleqalignno {\prepareleqalignno \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \@EA \bgroup \the\scratchtoks\crcr}
\def\finishalignno {\crcr\egroup}
\def\setupmathalign {\dodoubleempty\dosetupmathalign}
\def\dosetupmathalign[#1][#2]% {\ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??eq#1][#2]% \else \getparameters[\??eq][#1]% \fi}
\def\mathalignparameter#1% {\executeifdefined{\??eq\currentmathalign#1}{\executeifdefined{\?? eq#1}\empty}}
\setupmathalign [\c!n=2, \c!m=1, \c!distance=1em]
\def\numberedeqalign {\doifelse\@@fmlocation\v!left\alignleqalignno\aligneqalignno}
\def\doxxdoubleempty#1#2% {\ifx#2[\expandafter\dodoxxdoubleempty\else\expandafter \noxxdoubleempty\fi#1#2}
\def\dodoxxdoubleempty#1[#2]#3% {\ifx#3[\else\expandafter\nonoxxdoubleempty\fi#1[#2]#3}
\def\noxxdoubleempty #1{#1[][]} \def\nonoxxdoubleempty#1[#2]{#1[#2][]}
\def\firstineqalign{\global\eqaligncolumn\plusone} \def\nextineqalign {\global\advance\eqaligncolumn\plusone} \def\leftofeqalign {\getvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}} \def\rightofeqalign{\getvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}}
\def\doseteqaligncolumn#1% {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number\eqaligncolumn}\empty \letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number\eqaligncolumn}\empty \doif{#1}\v!left {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number \eqaligncolumn}\hfill}% \doif{#1}\v!right {\letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number \eqaligncolumn}\hfill}% \doif{#1}\v!middle{\letvalue{\??eq:\v!right:\number \eqaligncolumn}\hfill \letvalue{\??eq:\v!left :\number \eqaligncolumn}\hfill}}
\def\dodoalignNC {\gdef\doalignNC##1{#1}}
\def\doalignNR[#1][#2]% {\doifsomething{#1} {\doifelse{#1}{+} {\doformulanumber[][#2][]{}} {\doformulanumber[#1][#2][]{}}}% \crcr}
\def\dostartmathalign[#1][#2]% {\pushmacro\doalignNC \edef\currentmathalign{#1}% \doifassignmentelse{#2}{\setupmathalign[#1][#2]}\donothing \def\NC{\doalignNC}% \global\let\doalignNC\dodoalignNC \def\EQ{&=}% \def\NR{&\global\let\doalignNC\dodoalignNC\doxxdoubleempty \doalignNR}% % amstex compatibility mode: (ugly) \def\notag{\def\\{&\crcr}}% \doifelse{#2}{*}{\def\\{&\crcr}}{\def\\{&\doalignNR[+][]\crcr}}% % end of compatibility mode \eqaligncolumn\zerocount \processcommacommand[\mathalignparameter\c!align]{\advance \eqaligncolumn\plusone\doseteqaligncolumn}% % the real action \global\eqaligncolumn\plusone \numberedeqalign}
\def\dostopmathalign {\finishalignno \popmacro\doalignNC}
\def\definemathalign {\dodoubleempty\dodefinemathalign}
\def\dodefinemathalign[#1]% [#2]% {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dodoubleempty\dostartmathalign[#1]}% \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostopmathalign}% \setupmathalign[#1]}% [#2]
\definemathalign[align] % default case
% \def\startsplit % {\startalign[*]} % no number by default % % \def\stopsplit % {&\doalignNR[+][]\crcr % for a number on last line % \stopalign}
%D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \eqalignno { %D a &= b & \formulanumber \cr %D c &= d \cr %D &= e \cr %D &= f & \formulanumber %D } \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign %D \NC a \EQ b \NR[+] %D \NC c \EQ d \NR %D \NC \EQ f \NR[for:demo-a-1] %D \NC \EQ g \NR[for:demo-a-2][a] %D \NC \EQ h \NR[for:demo-a-3][b] %D \NC \EQ i \NR %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign %D \NC a \EQ b \NR[+] %D \NC c \EQ d \NR %D \NC \EQ f \NR %D \NC \EQ g \NR %D \NC \EQ h \NR %D \NC \EQ i \NR[+] %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign %D a &= b \\ %D c &= d \notag \\ %D &= e \notag \\ %D &= f \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign %D \NC a \NC \eq b \NR[+] %D \NC c \NC \neq d \NR %D \NC \NC \neq f \NR[for:demo-b-1] %D \NC \NC \geq g \NR[for:demo-b-2][a] %D \NC \NC \leq h \NR[for:demo-b-3][b] %D \NC \NC \neq i \NR %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[*] %D a &= b \\ %D c &= d \\ %D &= e \\ %D &= f \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign %D x &= y \\ %D a &= b \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[m=3] %D x &= y & x &= y & z &= t \\ %D a &= b & p &= q & w &= s \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[m=3,distance=0pt] %D x &= y &= x &= y &= z &= t \\ %D a &= b &= p &= q &= w &= s \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=5,distance=0pt] %D x &= yy &= xx &= yy &= zz \\ %D a &= b &= p &= q &= w \\ %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align= {left,middle,right}] %D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR %D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align= {right,middle,left}] %D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR %D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula \startformula \startalign[n=3,align= {middle,middle,middle}] %D \NC l \NC = \NC r \NR %D \NC left \NC = \NC right \NR %D \stopalign \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer
\def\doplaceformula[#1][#2]% #2 = dummy, gobbles spaces {\def\redoplaceformula {\bgroup \ifx\next\bgroup \egroup \@EA\moreplaceformula % [ref]{} \else \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext \egroup \@EAEAEA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$ \else \egroup \@EAEAEA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start \fi \fi[#1]{}}% \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula}
\long\def\moreplaceformula[#1]#2#3#4% #2 dummy #4 gobbles spaces {\def\redoplaceformula {\bgroup \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext \egroup \@EA\dispplaceformula % [ref]$$ \else \egroup \@EA\dodoplaceformula % [ref]\start \fi [#1]{#3}}% \futurelet\next\redoplaceformula#4}
\def\startformulas#1\stopformulas {\bgroup \forgetdisplayskips \startdisplaymath \setlocalhsize \long\def\startformula##1\stopformula{\advance\scratchcounter \plusone}% \scratchcounter\zerocount #1% preroll \divide \hsize \scratchcounter \hbox to \localhsize \bgroup \hss \def\normalstartformula{\vskip-\strutdepth$$}% i hate this \def\normalstopformula {$$}% % \def\jot{0pt}% \def\startformula{$\vcenter\bgroup\normalstartformula}% \def\stopformula {\normalstopformula\egroup$\hss}% #1% \egroup \stopdisplaymath \egroup}
%D \startbuffer %D \placeformula %D \startformula %D \startalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}] %D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+] %D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR %D \stopalign %D \stopformula %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula %D \startformulas %D \setupmathalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}]% %D \startformula %D \startalign %D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+] %D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR %D \stopalign %D \stopformula %D \startformula %D \startalign %D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+] %D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR %D \stopalign %D \stopformula %D \stopformulas %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D %D \startbuffer %D \placeformula %D \startformulas %D \dorecurse{5}{\startformula %D \startalign[n=3,align={middle,middle,middle}] %D \NC a \NC = \NC b \NR[+] %D \NC 2a \NC = \NC 2b \NR %D \stopalign %D \stopformula} %D \stopformulas %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer
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