Hi, nice to read you again! (BTW what’s the state of Husayni fonts?)
Am 2019-10-15 um 06:58 schrieb Hamid,Idris
: As a commercial replacement to Adobe Acroboat, nothing beats NitroPDF. Clean interface. Avoids most if not all of the problems mentioned by Hans.
I can’t check it out since i don’t use Windows, and their website is a lot of marketing fluff. So I hope you can tell me: Can/has Nitro… - check PDF/X, /A, /UA? (AFAIK only /A)* - convert colors (e.g. RGB->CMYK or any->grayscale)?* - update changed files (automatically or on key press)? - support SyncTeX? (probably not) - handle forms (print, save)? (probably yes) - support JavaScript? (probably not) - a localized interface? (probably yes) *) or general preflighting like Acrobat has Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD