Monday, November 7, 2005 Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
4. and a feature request: it would be good to have some formatting options like LaTeX makeidx offers: \index{keyword|textit} will produce a page-number in italics in the register. That would be immensely useful to produce a structured index.
I have the following, in my PhD thesis \setupindex[pagestyle=normal] \setupregister[index][def][pagestyle=bold] \def\indexdefinition#1{\index[def::]{#1}} \def\defterm#1{\leavevmode{\indexdefinition{#1}\it#1}} \def\deftermx#1#2{\leavevmode{\processcommalist[#2]\indexdefinition\it#1}} \def\useterm#1{\leavevmode{\index{#1}#1}} \def\usetermx#1#2{\leavevmode{\processcommalist[#2]\index#1}} the 'def' is an index 'class', which can be formatted differently from the others. I use it to makr the definition of a term (the other commands are just shorthands :)). You can set up as many classes as you want and format each of them as you wish. Much better than the LaTeX way :) More details in the manual. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta