Hi all, could someone bring light into the way how to use symbols…in MKIV I wanted to extract a symbol from uzdr (Zapfdingbats). In MIII the that worked like this: \definefontsynonym[Dingbats][uzdr] \definesymbol[box][\getglyph{Dingbats}{\char113}] In MKIV this is not the case. I tried to find out with the font-manual, unfortunately it only shows the content of the symb-imp-eur.mkiv. I tried to find the fonts mentioned in that file, but miserably failed. I tried different approaches but get now result, except for the black diamond, but this is defined internally in ConTeXt (\definesymbol[blackdiamond] [\textormathchar{"2666}]. \definefontsynonym[Dingbats][uzdr] \definefontsynonym[MSAM][msam10] \definesymbol[boxA] [\getglyph{Dingbats}{\char113}] %Seems to be changed... \definesymbol[boxB] [\getglyph{Dingbats}{\char"274F}] % U+0274F, 00052, a74 \definesymbol[cuttingscissors] [\getglyph{Dingbats}{\utfchar{"2701}}] \definesymbol[blackdiamond] [\textormathchar{"2666}] \definesymbol[blackdiamondvar][\textormathchar{"25C6}] \definesymbol[diamondfilled] [\getglyph{MSAM}{\utfchar{"F0067}}] \starttext Thanks for support… Willi \symbol{boxA} \symbol{boxB} \symbol{cuttingscissors} \symbol{blackdiamond} \symbol{blackdiamondvar} \symbol{diamondfilled} \stoptext