Hi, I have some problems with the following macro : tex error > mp error on line 23 in file /home/viserion/macro.tex: ! Missing argument to suite. <to be read again> { <*> suite{ 1,0}; suite(2,1); ; That macro has more parameters than you thought. I'll continue by pretending that each missing argument is either zero or null. ! Missing argument to suite. <to be read again> { <*> suite{ 1,0}; suite(2,1); ; That macro has more parameters than you thought. I'll continue by pretending that each missing argument is either zero or null. ! Extra tokens will be flushed. <to be read again> { <*> suite{ 1,0}; suite(2,1); ; I've just read as much of that statement as I could fathom, so a semicolon should have been next. It's very puzzling... but I'll try to get myself back together, by ignoring everything up to the next `;'. Please insert a semicolon now in front of anything that you don't want me to delete. (See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.) [1] 13 enddef; 14 \stopMPcode 15 \starttext 16 On présente ci-dessous deux suites de dessins. 17 \startlinecorrection[blank] 18 \startmidaligned 19 \startcombination[2*1] 20 {\startMPcode 21 suite{1,0}; 22 suite(2,1); 23 >> \stopMPcode}{\tfxx \bf Suite 2} 24 \stopcombination 25 \stopmidaligned 26 \stoplinecorrection 27 \stoptext mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 256 TeX Output exited abnormally with code 1 at Tue Feb 11 11:45:53 ################################################## macro.tex ################################################## \startMPcode def suite (expr n, t) = begingroup numeric u; u := 5mm; pickup pencircle scaled 4pt; for i=0 upto n: for j=0 upto n: drawdot (i*u,j*u) shifted(t*u,0) withcolor darkred; endfor endfor endgroup enddef; \stopMPcode \starttext On présente ci-dessous deux suites de dessins. \startlinecorrection[blank] \startmidaligned \startcombination[2*1] {\startMPcode suite{1,0}; suite(2,1); \stopMPcode}{\tfxx \bf Suite 2} \stopcombination \stopmidaligned \stoplinecorrection \stoptext Thank you. Fabrice