Meer, Hans van der mailto:H.vanderMeer@uva.nl 29. Juni 2016 um 11:26 Thanks.
For those who are curious as to how I became confused about the uppercase-lowercase for smallcaps: look at session "803 Typography and Fonts" in Apple's WWDC2016 conference, just after 23 minutes and you will understand. The following two tables contain the content of the relevant slides where he explains the effects from smcp (create small caps from lowercase letters) and c2sc (create small caps from uppercase letters).
\definefontfeature[f:smcp][smcp=yes] \definefontfeature[f:c2sc][c2sc=yes] \setupbodyfont[pagella] \starttext \subject{Small Caps from Uppercase} \starttabulate[|l|lf{\feature[+][f:c2sc]}|] \NC SAN FRANCISCO \NC SAN FRANCISCO \NC\NR \NC San Francisco \NC San Francisco \NC\NR \NC san francisco \NC san francisco \NC\NR \stoptabulate \subject{Small Caps from Lowercase} \starttabulate[|l|lf{\feature[+][f:smcp]}|] \NC SAN FRANCISCO \NC SAN FRANCISCO \NC\NR \NC San Francisco \NC San Francisco \NC\NR \NC san francisco \NC san francisco \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stoptext Wolfgang