Hallo I have updatet my system to Miketex 2.6 The compilation with lilyponds works without error-message. Now there is another problem. I can't compile on C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Ulrich Wrede\Eigene Dateien The path is splitting in processing dokument 'Dokumente' processing dokument 'und' an so on. If i compile on C:\ root everything works but the outpput is on C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Ulrich Wrede\Eigene Dateien. So at least the pdf document is not created. There is: LaTeX2-lilypond-1-1.eps LaTeX2-lilypond-1-1.pdf with the notes. but no LateX2.pdf with the notes. Ulrich -- This message was sent on behalf of u-wrede@t-online.de at openSubscriber.com http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/ntg-context@ntg.nl/7987328.html