Greetings everyone, Since this is my first post here, I would like to start by saying thank you to all the ConTeXt developers and documenters for a great system. I'm using ConTeXt to typeset my doctoral dissertation, with (so far) reasonable success. But I've run into what I think is a minor bug in the default bibliography style. Minimal example: ---8<--- \startpublication[k=test,t=inproceedings,a=Smith,y=2000] \author[]{John}[J.]{}{Smith} \pubyear{2000} \arttitle{A fascinating exposition} \editor[]{Adam}[A.]{}{Jones} \title{Proceedings of Something} \city{London} \pages{123--132} \organization{Institute of Whatever} \stoppublication \starttext \placepublications[criterium=all] \stoptext ---8<--- Using Linux minimals, context Mark IV, v. 2011.02.25 22:03, this gives me: Smith, J. (2000). A fascinating exposition. In Jones, A., editor, Proceedings of Something, pages 123–132. London.: Institute of Whatever I think that "London.: Institute of Whatever" should be "London: Institute of Whatever." with full stop after organization rather than city. I assume the fix is simple, but I swiftly got lost when I tried jumping into the bibliography code, so I hope that someone else can help here. Thanks, Pont