On Sun Sep 4, 2022 at 11:59 AM CEST, Ivan Pešić via ntg-context wrote:
Дана 04.09.2022. у 12:36, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl пише:
looks like the library is loaded ... so what is your test
we don't do png, we do outlines (actually native zint graphic structures that we then convert with mp)
Hi Hans, here is the example that I used, basically I took it from the from the module:
\starttext \usemodule[zint] \startTEXpage \barcode[alternative=PDF417,text={Hans Hagen}]% \blank \barcode[alternative=pdf417,text={Ton Otten}]% \blank \barcode[alternative=ISBN,text=9789490688011]% \blank \barcode[alternative=isbn,text=9789490688011,width=3cm]% \blank \dontleavehmode %\barcode[alternative=qr code,text={This is ConTeXt MKIV : #1}] \barcode[alternative=qr code,text={This is ConTeXt LMTX}] \barcode[alternative=qr code,text={\input{tufte}},width=3cm] \stopTEXpage \stoptext
The resulting PDF has just empty page
Best regards, Ivan
First, try without the \startTEXpage / \stopTEXpage, so you don't have empty first page. Now, as mentioned, the library loads correctly, but luametatex can't read the binary structures passed in memory by zint. This can be due to ABI mismatch for different versions. This was already discussed and since then also solved by option 3 from https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg102152.html So already for a while ConTeXt explicitly supports zint 2.10 and 2.11, while explicitly not supporting anything older. Newer may work, but that remains to be seen with the 2.12 release (2.11.x should still be compatible). In particular the development version doesn't seem to break anything. Are you sure you are using the right ConTeXt LMTX and zint versions? I just tested with fresh ConTeXt LMTX install in a Windows virtual machine and with my build of zint (2.11.1): https://github.com/vlasakm/context-optional-libraries/releases/download/v202... and it works as expected. You can also try to build the libraries yourself from the repository: https://github.com/vlasakm/context-optional-libraries The aspiration was that this repository would pin the "known to work versions" of optional libraries and prepare build instructions for them. But it is now largely untested. I can only say that zint works, as I haven't tried others in a while. On the other hand from what I know zint is the only fragile one, other optionals are much more less likely to break. Michal