Hello Hans,
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- {
Od: Hans Hagen
as you updated, it's just:
local defined = tokens.defined
for _, v in ipairs{ "MyMacro", "MyMacWithPars", "Undefined", "DoNothing", "NonExisting" } do
print(string.format("\letterpercent-12s", v), defined(v), defined(v, true), defined(v, false))
---------- Původní e-mail ---------- }
your solution gives me:
MyMacro false true false
MyMacWithPars false true false
Undefined false true false
DoNothing false true false
NonExisting false false false
which desn't recognize \Undefined - it should give 'false' in the 2nd column of results, like \NonExisting does.
But I have another solution (asked in Czech TUG) - use of 'token.get_meaning(cs)':
for _, v in ipairs{ "MyMacro", "MyMacWithPars", "Undefined", "DoNothing", "NonExisting" } do
print(string.format("\letterpercent-12s", v), "get_meaning", token.get_meaning(v) or "(non-existing/undefined)")
- Produces:
MyMacro get_meaning ->Ahoj
MyMacWithPars get_meaning #1#2->Something
Undefined get_meaning (non-existing/undefined)
DoNothing get_meaning ->
NonExisting get_meaning (non-existing/undefined)
which is perfectly what I need.
But thank you anyway for your effort.
Best regards,