Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Does this fix I wrote (back in September) actually work?
% start fix \unprotect \def\dousepublications#1% {\doonlyonce {#1.\f!bibextension} {\readfile{#1.\f!bibextension} {\catcode`\%=12 \showmessage\m!bib{4}{#1.\f!bibextension}} {\showmessage\m!bib{2}{#1.\f!bibextension}}}} \protect % end fix It does not seem to work here :-( "url = {{foo}}" becomes now "{foo}" instead of "foo" but the "%" causes still a TeX error and the "\%" is printed as "\%".
The attached test case uses \% but replacing it by \% causes TeX errors. (publication block as found in the bbl file.)
Not too hard, if you don't mind editting the bib / bbl a bit; making it truly automatic and still configurable would be hard. Example attached. It does not seem to work here. I get "Is cited at ." (This is with the latest cont-tmf.tex and pdfetex of TeX Live 2007 as distributed by openSUSE.)
Do I have an too old pdfeTeX version or do I need to do something else than just TeXing the file? Thanks, Tobias