23 Apr
23 Apr
6:46 p.m.
Hi again, I am reading a CSV file into ConTeXt which contains long DNA sequences (>> 40 characters) to place in xtables. So far, this works fine. However, I need to uppercase the entries and need to \tt them. When I do this inside \WORD however, they don’t hyphenate any more. I’m using: \defineseparatedlist [mylist] [ separator={,}, quotechar={"}, command=\mycommand ] \define[2]\mycommand{ \startxrow \startxcell o#1 \stopxcell \startxcell 5’-{\tt\WORD{#2}}-3' \stopxcell \stopxrow } Since I don’t have access to each entry, I cant place hyphenation marks directly. Is there a way to tell ConTeXt to hyphenate after say, 12 characters? Thanks for your help. Benjamin